• -14%
    Ladybug - Ladybug Online StoreLadybug - Ladybug Online Store

    Tricycle – Timmy red

    Original price was: €134.00.Current price is: €115.00.

    The lowest price in last 30 days: 115.00.

  • -14%
    Ladybug - Ladybug Online StoreLadybug - Ladybug Online Store

    Tricycle – Timmy pink

    Original price was: €134.00.Current price is: €115.00.

    The lowest price in last 30 days: 115.00.

  • -13%
    Ladybug - Ladybug Online StoreLadybug - Ladybug Online Store

    Tricycle Loco blue

    Original price was: €89.00.Current price is: €77.00.

    The lowest price in last 30 days: 77.00.

  • -11%
    Ladybug - Ladybug Online StoreLadybug - Ladybug Online Store

    Tricycle York – blue

    Original price was: €65.00.Current price is: €58.00.

    The lowest price in last 30 days: 58.00.

Our favorite reviews from Ladybug - Ladybug Online Store andLadybug - Ladybug Online Store

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About us

   First of all, we are a family. That’s important but nowadays so easy to forget in a rush between school, work and other responsibilities. Actually this was the main reason why we decided to open an online baby shop – spending more time together, working and having fun as a team. We don’t like when someone calls it a “family business”, it’s more like a hobby, way of spending free time increasing our knowledge of parenthood, meeting other families, helping each other. 
   To Malta we came in 2015 as a couple, one year later we got married and after another year our lovely daughter was born – here in Victoria hospital in Gozo. Why do I mention that? Because we have experience in that matter. We are not coming with ready advise copied from foreign guides. We faced authentic difficulties and also enjoyed all the bright sides of expecting child and being parents. Read our posts on this website or Facebook, watch our vlogs on Youtube or check our pictures on Instagram. Share with us your opinions, product reviews, tell us about mistakes you did, we will tell you about ours. Anytime you need our help or just want to talk, write to us via Messenger.

Photo of Ewelina


The brain. Focused on safety, healthy nutrition, and proper development of children. In other words, if you will find any clever article on this website, she will be the author. Since the very beginning of covid pandemic, we've put safety as first using gloves, masks & visors, sanitizers before it became obligatory.

Ladybug - Ladybug Online Store


Main quality controller. We can't recommend anything without her approval. She also has a very fresh mind and she finds truly unexpected ways of using objects. She is very involved to the business and really enjoy day to day duties. Now she has a new trainee to take care of and we will introduce him very soon!

Ladybug - Ladybug Online Store


Delivery boy. It's important to deliver orders in time and great condition not only to Malta, but also to Gozo with no extra charges. We used to deliver all our orders in person, but since the number of orders exceeds our capabilities, we had to involve MaltaPost Courier to keep all orders delivered in time. While to Malta usually we send couriers, in Gozo most deliveries are still handled by us in person.

Thanks for seeing us!